With tongue firmly forked in cheek, she and her proxies are now offering a new idea (and again, still reserving the actual kitchen sink for post convention washing up), that perhaps we can have two for the price of one. Sort of the political wonder twins, where Hillary plays the boy. Or a Clintonian version of a buddy flick, where she plays Mel Gibson, and Obama plays the black guy, the sidekick (that would be Danny Glover).
She is not one to let her lack of a lead in voted delegates or the popular vote confuse the issue. Not in her own mind, and certainly not in the minds of the "rubes" down in Mississippi. She is leaving nothing for granted and is treating them, and us all, as innocents in the garden, wandering about mentally naked and unable to see her various tactics.
But let us count a few off:
- Most recently hoisting herself up by John McCain's bootstraps by way of endorsing McCain (and herself) as having reached a certain threshold to be commander in chief. In other words, if you don't vote for Hillary, then as a Democrat your next logical step is McCain? McCain probably has not felt so massaged by the wrong person in quite a long time.
- Calling Obama "naive," while at the same time dismissing him as just another Jesse Jackson type. A kind of "double stupid" accusation, with the level of condescension reaching toxic proportions.
- Implying that black voters are sheep, and that Obama's wins among blacks should be dismissed as "whateverrrr, it's only black people", while ignoring the numbers of educated and young of all races flocking to his campaign. Apparently if you can marginalize someone as the "black candidate", that should be sufficient to declare them unworthy. Not to mention the subliminals it sends to voters in places like Pennsylvania, who Hillary apparently imagines to be racists and a political plus.
- Approving the lockout of Michigan and Florida delegates up until the point she realized that she needed them. While banging Obama over the matter, she fails to harmonize her enthusiams for those two states with her actual choice in blowing off a bazillion smaller states when she thought she was ahead. Basically she has taken the Giuliani plan, multiplied it by about 12, and got the same inadequate result.
- She spun the photo of Obama in traditional tribal gear, if not actually being responsible for it (and issuing no denial), knowing that the images would remind people of the non-American components of his heritage. It was a tactic that the Governor of Pennsylvania would surely admit might be a hit with the voters in his state, given his generally low opinion of his own electorate.
- Attacking the caucuses now, but not then, hoping to use that as part of her argument that she should be the nominee. Behind in delegates, she will suggest that caucus wins are not like real wins, but rather, pretend wins or Fisher Price people wins. And there is a certain logic to the idea that the most loyal and active democrats who show up at caucuses should be ignored...it's called insane logic.
- The "3am" advertisement in Texas, suggesting that she in fact would be up in the middle of the night not wondering where Bill is, but sitting near the Batphone, secret government camera firmly pointed at your kids, making sure no harm comes their way, or that, like the actual girl in the advert, they don't turn 17 and grow up to be Obama supporters. Apparently, Obama will, somehow, kill your children. She has seen it all before. Remember the genocide in Rwanda? The worst genocide in the past fifteen or so years? Who was by that phone then and wasn't that Hillary "experience" time? As I recall, when that phone was ringing, Bill was getting busy, and Hillary was a bit distracted. Silly me. Foreign moms, and especially African foreign non-soccer moms, don't count.
And there is more. But it is late, there is work in the morning, and yet still, there is a mushroom pizza sitting on my counter awaiting my lips. It's 12am, and 3am in New York. My cell phone is right here, not ringing. Nobody from Rwanda is on my line saying, "Help, they are using the machetes and it's not to kill a goat for dinner!" Hillary put THAT call on hold. "Uhm, I have Bill on the other line calling from some apartment, can you hold on just a sec. I've been waiting all night for his call," said Hillary last time the phone rang.
So in these past few days we are graced with the latest Hillary apple of deceit. It's the bait and ditch. She is making soothing sounds to the voters in advance of the vote that she will definately lose on Tuesday in Mississippi. "If I win I am open to having Obama as VP" she and others seem to be hinting, by way of saying it.
The outrageousness of this is lost on nobody, and Tom Daschle, former Sentate majority leader and a co-chair of the Obama campaign responded:
"It's really a rare occurrence, maybe the first time in history, that the person who's running No. 2 would offer the person who's running No. 1 the No. 2 position," (from Washington Post)
Yes it is a very audacious tactic. It presumes a level of stupidity of epic proportions among the voting public, and is a subtle way of trying to suppress the vote. The election coming up is in a state where 37% of the population is black, so one can draw ones own conclusions. Her logic assumes that the Obama supporter, aware of his delegate lead, and her position teetering at the gates of hell hath no fury, would sit back and say, "Dang it, I may as well stay home and assure Obama the vice presidency". Like she can be trusted to even follow up on such an idea if we were to toss judgement to the winds and take her up on supporting Obama by demoting him prematurely.
Fortunately people are not so out of their minds, having long ago eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. We can see things now, so slithering about like the second coming of Satan with a sex change--or as a Monster-- pretty much fools only a certain subset of menepausal suburban women who identify with Hillary due to reasons having nothing to do with good policy, electabilty, or true vision.
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