Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Israel Waxes Obamistic, Talks to Terrorist State

I am not sure what John McCain will have to say about this (yes I do, nothing!), but you know something is wrong when Israel is talking to terrorist states, much in the manner that U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama suggested he might do (to much withering criticism from the right side of the political spectrum). And while Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is hardly in a position of strength to be making any sort of life changing decisions for his people, it's probably clear to many in the region that purely military tactics don't a resolution make. One imagines that McCain, and Hillary, and the U.S. administration will all be rather mum. Obama can hold his breath while waiting for some apology regarding his level of naivete.

The Jersusalem Post reports:

The announcement of the talks comes after months of reports of unofficial messages going back and forth from Jerusalem to Damascus through Turkey, and was simultaneously announced in Ankara and Damascus.

Not that the whole endeavor is incredibly optimistic (as in naive) on Israel's part. But sometimes the mental telepathy just does not work and you have to speak, or forever withold peace.

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