In a powerful "pop through the glass ceiling moment", the N.Y. Times tells us that women are now suffering equally from things like layoffs and downturns, as opposed to the usual time off for motherhood or living off of husband or boyfriend.
Lusting after the full body that is the European Union, Serbia gave up the ghost and arrested Radovan Karadzic, one of our favorite arch villians. We can't help imagining that if you added up all the deliberate and tactical killings of innocents by the dead Slobodan Milosevic, Karadzic, and General Ratko Mladic, it would probably tally lower than the accidental non-deliberate killings by American forces everywhere, which has me worried. One day, some day, these international tribunals will be used against us and we will be mighty mortified when that happens. In any case, with two down and one to go, Serbia gets Europe's warm embrace.
Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson appeared before Congress promising world doom if he is not given the superpowers necessary to use taxpayer funds to give to government step-children Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in case they need more money for candy. We are pretty sure Congress will get right on that at warp speed, and before world doom arrives.
McCain continues to struggle to get his voice heard as Obama walks across the world stage with rather glowing press. McCain argues that Obama was against the surge in U.S forces in Iraq, a surge which appears to have worked, but is discounting the fact that Obama was not in favor of the war in the first place, which by all accounts should make the surge point somewhat trivial. The mere necessity of a surge suggests that someone lacked foresight in planning. In a way it's like a doctor seeking special applause because he was able to go back in and remove the jelly bean he dropped during the initial surgery. It should be no surprise that people might be skeptical about the possibility of throwing good after bad, and the fact that the surge worked is hardly endorsement for McCain's overall wisdom. Read US News' political roundup here.
Americans too rich or lazy to walk down to the local green market are increasingly hiring people to make them feel good about their food. We can now all let hired hands bring or grow us the healthy produce we need to save the planet and maintain our self esteem.
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