The latest charge, brought to us by Fox News--and to some degree accurate in the same way that noting a blue sky is accurate-- is that Obama is the "Abortion President."
Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., accused Obama of launching two attacks on pro-life measures. In addition to lifting President Bush's stem cell restrictions, Obama intends to lift regulations from the Bush administration that allow health care providers and institutions to refuse to participate in abortions on grounds of conscience.For Smith to point this out in an attempt to make an argument out of the obvious, just reminds us as to why our economy is in the position that its in, and why the Republicans have not been able to be part of any coherent solution. Unfortunately they remain diverted into narrow areas of interest, rather than forming comprehensive policy that embraces worldwide economic difficulties.
We are always resolutely pro-life here, but don't imagine being pro-life in a collapsing nation will do much for anyone, living or dead. Putting the nation's well being above the ability of Republicans to continue to do nothing really substantial on abortion was a no brainer in backing Obama. While we are not pleased with this little string of "reversals" on social issues, it is nevertheless not a surprise, nor will Obama be remembered by these little executive actions that get flipped and flopped with each new administration.
If these embryonic stem cells indeed arrive from fertility clinics, perhaps Representative Smith should seek some legislation affecting the source of the cells, since those cells would exist and be destroyed regardless of what happens on the Federal usage level.
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