Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sarah Palin's Ghostwriter's Brain Writes Faster than Obama's Brain

Stunningly swift. Sarah Palin has completed her 400 page opus masterpiece in a mere four months. This from a woman who could barely consciously crack a newspaper open and remember what she read. Her ghost writer is to be applauded for the extra effort in getting the book ready in time for the holidays.

One does not want to let too much time pass between the heights of popularity and the depths of disillusionment; you strike the pig shaped pinata while the getting is good. Palin was probably paid a bundle for this and the quick release of the book, if anything, is a sign that the publishers are not willing to gamble on Palin's long term level of ripeness.

For months after the release will have to listen to her enthusiastic blind mice chatter about how her effort trumps that of Obama, for is it not a lengthy work? Oy vey. Brace yourselves.

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