These same people would have railed at civil rights legislation, shouting down its passage and using state's rights as a prop for their own inner biases.
Sarah, the small. Poofed and pretty. Sarah stood in front of a crowd of Tea Partisans in Nevada today, letting the president know that he is "fired". This from a quitter. And from a presumed Christian and patriot, who feels it quite fine to mock the president while simultaneously bearing false witness. Never have so many people, with so many diverging views and theories, incorrect all, been willing to hammer a man so much, and if they tell you that all this talk of patriots and real Americans is simply about debt or too much government, it's complete nonsense. Because at no moment in the past did any of these people feel the need to express such strong discontent and voice such creative fiction when the president was not the black man who now holds the job.
One hates to reduce a movement down to racism, but most near or actual racists never reduce their views down to racism either. They rationalize, or cover or fade the issue behind something else. Here it's not because he is black. It's because he is potentially the anti-Christ, or a socialist, or Kenyan, or not a citizen, or out to bring Armageddon to your world.
For Obama it's a losing defense to point out the race factor, but he knows the deal. He is too smart to get into that debate because it would distract from getting things done. The rationale is that if you stay focused on meaningful issues, eventually you end up with a snowball of accomplishments that will be hard for everyone except actual loons to ignore and appreciate. You don't need everyone, just enough. History will sort it out and the same way we see the old photos and video of people being hateful as schools were integrated, so too we will look back at the treatment against the achievements of Obama and be like "WTF". And too, 20 years from now nobody will admit to being a total twit and on the wrong side of the issue.
We hear yelping about the nationalization of the student loan business, or the reduction in Medicare advantage benefits, and certain Republicans are going out of their way to obscure the fact that some of the changes are merely the government refusing to subsidize private industry at higher cost to perform a function at mediocre levels. Can't the private sector find ways to do a job without government help, and shouldn't Republicans be applauding that goal? Yea, no.
Take a look at the amount of loan money that gets dumped into vocational and tech schools of a dubious nature, who saddle kids with huge debts and with promises of jobs that are non-existent. Unlike your traditional non-profit school, or state school, and marginally arms of government, these for-profit schools reduce the amount of money available to the average student, have huge turnover, overcharge (both students and the government) and usually the product is inferior. Where do you want your child to go to school? Penn State or DeVry, Mr. Conservative Tea Partisan. Never have so many people that opt for local "government" colleges here in Arizona for their kids been so vocal about the evils of government.
Sarah the Beautiful will become an increasing problem, and we applaud her bigness. The bigger she gets, like a Goliath, the harder she will fall when eventually she tries to run for president and gets drilled in the noggin by someone who actually has truth and education on their side.
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