Saturday, August 9, 2008

Putin Finger in West's Blind Eye

Well let's see what we have here.  The Soviet Union falls apart, and all those nations and ethnicities gathered under its wings begin to choose their own path.  The United States and Europe immediately begin to assure Russia that we have no evil intent by encouraging all these newly independent nations to move closer to the West and join Nato. "Trust us," we tell Russia, while encouraging everyone to go their own way, and shipping our dollars and weapons their way.

Nevermind the fit we would throw if Russia reloaded in Cuba, or Venezuela, or pushed to place a missile shield in Mexico.  How can you compare, when the United States by virtue of being the United States is always, always right (and just, and fair)  if not quite empathetic or a practitioner of a consistent and realistic foreign policy? Hmmm.

When Yugoslavia went to pieces, we encouraged the breakup, and further encouraged Montenegro to split from the remaining stump of Yugoslavia that was Serbia.  Montenegro declared independence in June of 2006, and with wide western support, and much to Serb unhappiness.  If that was not enough, we further encouraged the breakaway of Kosovo from Serbia, splitting world opinion down the middle. 

Now we have a funhouse mirror situation in Georgia, with areas of that nation wishing to be somewhat autonomous, and with the West-leaning Georgia pulling a Serbia,  keeping up the pressure to keep all peoples and lands in house.  Here the roles are reversed with Russia supporting those who want a level of independence (for whatever reason) and the U.S. making noises about national sovereignty and the integrity of borders.

What we have here, is a mess.  The type of mess you get when one pursues policies for others that one is not willing to live by oneself.  As we pointed out previously, our decisions around Serbia and other places would come to haunt us, or rather, complicate our integrity going forward.  

We seriously have to start thinking through foreign policy, and asking ourselves, "Are we willing for others to do as we do?" and if not, do not.  Putin will be blamed, but Putin is not wrong. 

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