Monday, August 4, 2008

Weekend in China: Ron Paul Edition

Rarely, rarely do we get words of wisdom from political figures, and Ron Paul has never been a true delight to us, him being borderline mentally drifty and attracting the delusional. But every now and then the gift of wisdom passes over a person, and out comes something that definately needs to be said.

As we grow closer to the Olympics in Beijing, it seems that interest is decidely low key among friends and those we enounter, and in part this is due to the times in which we live. Attentions are not focused on three television networks anymore and there is much to distract people; the world and the media is much more fragmented,  with the internet and other activities competing for people's attention.

That probably cannot be said of the population in China and Chinese around the world, who are at a moment in their history where they are trying to define themselves to the world, and finally able to sit down at the big people table saying, "Here we are." It has been a long deliberate absence, and a welcome arrival.

Sure there are concerns about human rights, ultimate intentions of the Chinese leadership (as in world domination), comptetition with the United States, but we are not going to be the ones to begrudge the Chinese things that we have all taken for granted in our own lives or in our own nation's development. Was has been good for us,  should be good for them.

Leave it to the United States House of Representatives to attempt to stick their foot in it all at time when so many more pressing issues are zooming down onto the American collective head like a brick in a suicidal diving competition. And what did our government do to China while ignoring more pressing matters overhead?

The House passed a 12 pointresolution condemning Chinese human rights practices, and urged George Bush to speak out both before and during the Olympic ceremonies.

"Calling on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to immediately end abuses of the human rights of its citizens, to cease repression of Tibetan and Uighur citizens, and to end its support for the Governments of Sudan and Burma to ensure that the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games take place in an atmosphere that honors the Olympic traditions of freedom and openness.”
It would seem China has to work really fast, today being, well August 4th,  and with a mere four days left for them to completely overhaul their modus operandi.

Enter Ron Paul (via Xinhua, the Chinese government media arm naturally) with a more astute assessment of what should be the priorities of our elected officials:

"I rise in opposition to this resolution, which is yet another meaningless but provocative condemnation of China. It is this kind of jingoism that has led to such a low opinion of the United States abroad,"
And the wisdom of Apostle Paul continues:
"The Bible cautions against pointing out the speck in a neighbor's eye while ignoring the log in one's own. I suggest we contemplate this sound advice before bringing up such ill-conceived resolutions in the future,"
Part of Paul's concerns are that we have very real problems going on both in the country and abroad in places like Iraq, and that some of our actions can be perceived as hypocritical by other nations.  It is a point well made. The Chinese response was typically florid, calling our actions "odius".


In other semi-Chinese news,  at least nine mountain climbers are believed to be dead on K2, the mountain that straddles Pakistan's border with China.  The Pakistani military seems to be casually contemplating a resue attempt, but not actually hustling to show effort, since little can really be done.  Which is good, because, NOTHING should be done. 

If you climb a dangerous mountain, where natural stuff can happen that kills you, then you should be prepared to make your grave in the pool of your own stupidity.  It's like the people who insist on climbing the small mountains in Phoenix. They get up there and somehow manage to forget water, gps, compass, working cell, food, while ignoring the blazing heat, forcing helicopters to come to the rescue.

People, stay off the mountains, and watch the Olympics or see a movie, or find Jesus to make you happy. 

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