Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ballmer Up Against Yahoo's Sugar Walls

Steve Ballmer is not about to be pushed around, delayed, waylayed, or forced to overpay for a Yahoo who, with each passing day of income slowing recession, stands firm in their rejection of Ballmer's punishing kiss.

Taking the osculation attempts up a notch, Microsoft announced on Saturday that Yahoo had a short three weeks to give in or steps would be taken to get to her via spreading rumors among her hot friends:

"If we have not concluded an agreement within the next three weeks, we will be compelled to take our case directly to your shareholders, including the initiation of a proxy contest to elect an alternative slate of directors for the Yahoo board,”

He went on to suggest--indirectly--that the monetary value of the hookup might be more McDonald's than Applebees if Yahoo kept being such a b-word about it all:

“If we are forced to take an offer directly to your shareholders, that action will have an undesirable impact on the value of your company from our perspective, which will be reflected in the terms of our proposal.”

He sent this via email, from the comfort of his home computer and crossed his fingers. Steve hates the relationship drama when everyone already knows Yahoo can't do better than him.

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