Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hillary: Bitter Puppetmatron

I was up watching George Stephanopolis on ABC with his panel of commentators. The idea that Hillary Clinton was the recepient of sexism in her campaign was floated, and acknowledged to some degree, but without specific point of evidence by Hillary proxy Diane Feinstein.

But let us be clear. Hillary used sexism, racism, and class, among other distortions, directly against her opponent. When not attempting to infantilize him, or make him the effete elitist, she was busy stoking the fires of race, suggesting that he could not possibly know or represent the needs of certain whites. He was naive, an empty suit, and told fairy tales. He was just like Jesse Jackson, and less capable than even the Republican candidate.

And only when her rear was being handed to her did Hillary suddenly realize that there were a ton of unhappy, disatisfied, bored, comfortable, middle-aged, aggrieved women like herself whose hopes, resentments and issues she could tap into as one last breath of life for her campaign. That the media even let her push that line was a resource available to her that no man could match.

If she was the recepient of any hostility directed at her sex, it was entirely in her head, and more a function of the type of actions that most male candidates would not have gotten away with. As I've stated before, it was a brash attempt by Hillary to universalize her own flaws across all women. So if someone says "Hillary is power hungry," it becomes an accusation against all women, rather than an accurate perception of one deeply flawed woman.

It takes a special type of arrogance that allows you to spew every type of deceitful implication on your opponent, and then, when the media calls you on it, you cry sexism. Or when you can do unto others, but when others (and not even your opponent) do unto you, you gripe-stitch it into a mantle of oppression.

How about this? How about running a campaign without skipping states and blowing off voters because you think the job is yours? How about not coming out in December of 2007 saying you will have it wrapped up by February? How about not mismanaging campaign funds so that you have no money to engage a real oppononet? How about not taking the black vote for granted, assuming that you can mock the black candidate and still have blacks stupid enough to vote for you? How about not stoking the fires of race and kissing up to the types of folks who, in all reality, would represent the true sexists out there? How about not suggesting your opponent is elitist or naive as you and your spouse sit with $100 million of partially unsourced income? And how about not perpetuating the ultimate lie, even today, that you had the popular vote.

And now till whenever, we will see Hillary as puppetmatron, sending out her surrogates to promote the lie. Feinstein did so today, and a day after Hillary's supposed concession to Obama.

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