Monday, August 18, 2008

Non-Daily Daily Roundup

In tough Sunday morning talk, Defense Secretary Gates and Secretary of State Rice warned Russia that they will face consequences for entering Georgia and dragging derriere in getting out ... the question to ask is, are we considering the theoretical consequences of our theoretical consequences? Prolly not. Perhaps we should threaten to place missiles in Poland, or try to convert all their former allies to members of Nato. Oh wait... been there, done that.

Wall Street is considering the consequences of all this. Or rather, the N.Y. Sun is suggesting that Wall Streeters are worried about consequences, and particularly, a new Cuban missile crisis. It would in fact be a good idea right about now for Putin to test the waters as we are sure the significance of such an act would be lost on people who see no problem with the United States arming Russian border nations with troops, money and missiles. If I would be Putin, I would be put'in missiles places, just to heighten the hypocrisy level all around.

"People laughed — and not without reason," (N.Y. Times), so now you know that when wisdom greets people in the face, they often have no eyes to see, ears to hear, or imagination enough to believe in things they can't see (God's particular predicament in dealing with humans). But this was not God just an economist, New York University professor Nouriel Roubini, who back in September of 2006 was warning people about the coming housing and derivative market shake-out. At the time it seemed impossible, with one economist noting in response, "Roubini’s predictions did not make use of mathematical models." See, sometimes you just have to believe and not trust yourself, or the math.

Let's away from all that negative stuff. After all, prophets of doom always are prophets of doom, no? So I offer blueberries. Not just any blueberries, but berries from Maine. This is a bold step for this writer, given the massive amount of fear that flooded my soul as a five year old upon seeing the original Willy Wonka film with Violet Beauregarde turning into a blueberry girl. That scared me something awful, leading me away from the blue balls for years to come. But I am better now. So much so that I will give you the very berries that tortured me so, to soothe your economic worrying soul. Go on. Eat them. Eat them all.

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