Monday, August 17, 2009

Enterprise Rent-A-Deathtrap Bad for Your Healthcare

In case you were still believing in the inherent superiority of the private sector over government initiatives, and thus ignoring many of the points made in previous writings, we here and now present more evidence for your review.

There is no end to the number of reminders that can be given that show that the private sector is not automatically more virtuous or productive. We can certainly affirm that the private sector is not any more attuned to the welfare of its customers than the public sector is. About face and agree with our wisdom, and toss aside the oft repeated mantra that the entire government can be reduced down to the particular rudeness or inefficiency found in stereotypes of the motor vehicle department and the post office.

We bring forth from our bunny hat, Enterprise Car Rent-a-Car. They can alternatively be called Enterprise Death Rentals if we were to take lessons in ridiculous exaggeration from unemployed people like former governor of Alaska Sarah Palin, who fears no combination of words so long as they are entirely untrue.

Turns out that Enterprise is far more concerned with making an extra few bucks than in maintaining a certain level of safety for people renting and buying their vehicles. The particular form of dollar over customer care involved the lovely (ha ha) Impala.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car, the nation's largest private buyer of new cars and seller of used ones, chose to "delete" a standard safety feature from thousands of Chevrolet Impala fleet vehicles, saving millions of dollars.

Which brings us back to healthcare. One wonders what happens when the inclination for greater profits runs up against the necessity of required treatments. Who will win that battle? Accountants or patients?

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