Sunday, October 3, 2010

Christine Has No Light Under Her Bushel.

This is what we are getting from Tea Party candidates... nothing. One would expect a little more thoughtfulness from someone entering a high level of government, but the electorate, or perhaps merely Republican financiers, are thoroughly willing to dispense with the pesky requirements of the job at hand. A pox upon all that book learn'in and command of facts. Better to hide your lack of light under a bushel. The N.Y. Times reports that Maryland Senate candidate Christine O' Donnell has perfected the invisibility cloak, largely avoiding interviewers, voters, and uncontrolled environments.
It is not clear, however, when or where she has been meeting the people of Delaware, at least since the primary. She has canceled a series of public events and television interviews and has barely been seen in public, though she re-emerged Friday at an opening for her campaign headquarters in Wilmington.
(N.Y. Times)

She is pretty much following the Palin Way of all Truth. Don't let yourself be caught facing people who are smarter or better informed, and definitely not in front of cameras. Keep a low profile except when in carefully calibrated settings, surrounded by a security blanket of unquestioning supporters.

She seems likable enough, if scattered, and thus totally inappropriate for the times we are in.

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