Sunday, February 27, 2011

Unions Protect Workers When Authority Lacks Integrity

Keith Olbermann tells a story from personal of experience of how "the union" saved his job. We are not overly fond of unions or their collectivist approach to things. However we do recognize that like most things that exist today and that arose over time, their very existence suggests the need. We have unions because at different times and place across economic history, owners, managers and businesses have not chosen the responsible path in dealing with workers. When profit is your primary motive and elevated above all else, little else will slow down that profit motive unless there is some moral vision. In many cases you can trust your fellow man to do the right thing, but it's often a coin flip.

In Keith's case, he came under attack by a boss's boss who wanted him gone, and not for issues of actual job performance. The union protected him from someone's whim. Ideally that is what unions should do. They should balance the power equation to some degree. In an ideal world they ought not to be necessary, or mandatory by any means, but also in an ideal world they should be accepted.

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