Wednesday, March 2, 2011

State Legislatures Pick Birther Nose to Smear Obama

All Hawaiians Illegal Aliens?
Our question for today is, "How many states are concerned that our current president is not authorized to be president, and that the plurality of voters who voted for him were either duped or willfully ignorant, and that it's not a racist issue to suddenly question the birthplace of your first black president, even though you have previously questioned his intellect, his Christianity, his patriotism, and the quality of his work history, and that it is necessary to ignore the state of Hawaii and its method of determining birth for all its citizens, and that doing all of this at the expense of creating jobs during the biggest modern day recession is both prudent, and wise, and that years from now we won't look back at this moment and think what a bunch of asses we were riding all the way to the land of stupidity."

That's a long question, but by questioning President Obama on his settled birth issue, you invite related assumptions.

The states with pending legislation include: Arizona, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Connecticut, Indiana, Nebraska, Tennessee and Maine. The measure has failed this year in Montana." (

One might imagine that these states have the more pressing and authentic problems solved, but given that we are sitting here in Arizona watching the economy bumble along with cuts in taxes and jobs, prolly not. These states are like the student who pauses to excavate the nose with pencil and daydream, while in the middle of a test that is beyond his level of intelligence. 

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