Sunday, May 1, 2011

Obama Kills Osama

The "empty suit" strikes again, finishing off the man that Bush could not catch. The comments from the haters across the internet seem to follow these pattterns of gibberish:
  • Obama did not literally kill Osama, it was the troops and they alone deserve credit.
  • I will believe it when I see physical evidence, otherwise it is more Obama lies.
  • It's Obama's plot to distract attention from his long form birth certificate, which has yet to be closely inspected. 
  • Obama had no involvement in this operation and was lucky it happened on his watch.
  • It was drones, and again, he got lucky.
That said, Bush started the hunt, Obama finished it. Nicely done by both presidents. Of course true credit to the CIA operatives, special forces troops and other military who stayed on point, always. 

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