Our local Senator McCain, who was holding forth at Grace Bible Church in Sun City, expounding on healthcare much like a eunuch describing how he would rock your vaginal world, had this to say:
John McCain of Arizona, last year's Republican presidential candidate, this week told ABC that he believed Kennedy's absence was making it more difficult to reach agreement on the health care bill.(U.S.A. Today)
Everyone is loved a little more, when they are dead. But don't expect the death of Kennedy to inspire McCain to grow one and come up with a robust and fruitful healthcare vision of his own.
Meanwhile the beat--the hate--goes on. And let's be clear, never has one man (Obama) been on the receiving end of so much outright nonsense by those lacking either intellectual understanding, moral clarity, or honest intent. They will tell you it's about the policies, the increasing national debt, but none of these people who are so critical of Obama now, so concerned about the unborn pieces of sperm in the gonads who will be burdened with future debt, raised a single, shrieking hysterical voice over the issue when Republicans were busy running up the debt, and cutting taxes.
In the age of Eunuch Republicanism, you do nothing. You talk of what you would have done. You talk of what shouldn't be done. You make up stuff. But ultimately, you do nothing. And you never remind people that whether you do something, or nothing, healthcare spending, and spending in general, will rise, and in part because you did nothing when you controlled the entire government.
If Obama is hamstrung, it comes from two sources: Republican fiscal irresponsibility in the past, and Republican inspired stupidity in the present. Those who disliked the mockery of Bush in the past, now find it a crucial moment to exact verbal, if not intellectual, revenge.
One would hope that they have at least the integrity not to kiss the head of Kennedy while dancing on the grave.
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