McClatchy asks, "Why is America So Angry" and goes on to point out various lunacies that are being spread across a gullible population. Do you really want to know why America is angry? We have the answer.
Put simply, America is angry because the economy is awful and when people have no jobs or money, they look to blame someone. But Americans are not always economically or historically astute, and the Republican Party has made sure to place the economic blame for the past (and the future) on Obama. In the off chance that a few people might be aware that our troubles precede the Obama Administration, they have offered up a host of side fantasies in order to make people more willing to blame Obama for everything. He is socialist. He is racist. He is a crooked Chicago politician . He is a foreigner. He is violating the constitution either now, or will do so shortly when he revokes all our freedoms and takes our guns and beheads us all. (Oh, and for the pure racists, his wife looks angry, ugly and like a monkey).
Essentially if your shit doesn't stink, well, that's all Obama's fault, despite the ironic benefit.
A good proportion of anti-Obama hatred comes from things he "may" do at some secret moment in the future, or from misinterpretations of policies that are otherwise clear and obvious when viewed rationally.
We also can't ignore how various religious fears (of the anti-Christ and "one world government") play into the overall irrational hatred for a man who to date has done very little that resembles anything he is accused of.
Smearing and bearing false witness has been taken to a new level of art by people who usually claim to be more familiar with morality and the Bible, and Obama being black aids this process, in the same way a film like "The Hangover" can draw easy laughs by reducing ethnic characters to ridiculousness. We have pointed out in the past the tendency of late for films to have the white characters ape or copy perceived "ethnic" ways of speaking or dancing. "Look at that white girl, that Sandra Bullock, doing that wacky dance and rapping, that's so funny when white people act ridiculous." A ridiculousness that is seen as normative for blacks.
Obama's mere existence in the job he is in was one giant head fuck for a bunch of people who just could not fathom it. They reached for explanations that would conform to their own bias, not reality. Hence all the personal attacks based on partial or outright lies. I am justified at disliking this man if he is secretly ineligible to be president. Or, I am justified in calling him a racist because his pastor made statements relating to God judging America (a theme that most conservative churches preach constantly, if a bit more delicately).
In this framework, it is not the Bush Administration who bailed out the bankers (thus instituting, as they imagine it, "socialism"), and it is not the Bush Administration that allowed (with the aid of all of Congress) mortgage brokers to go hog wild in the pursuit of sales, and it is not the Bush Administration who let Lehman Brothers fail or allowed interest rates to be so low as to inflate the economy. In fact the whole previous eight years don't exist at all, with all troubles beginning on January 20th, and, according to anger, amazingly unresolved by January 21st.
Everything will be laid at Obama, the man with the odd name, who does not deserve to be in his job merely because people have fantasies about what he might do if the world conformed to the nonsense in their heads.
There that cabal sits, tucked away in their homes wondering how they ended up jobless, insuranceless and bitter, and looking for easy, lazy answers.
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