Sunday, January 3, 2010

Terrorism is Not America's Biggest Threat, It's Some Republican's Biggest Bet

You know you really can't win when it comes to making laws that solve entrenched problems. Our big problem... no not our big problem... our recurring problem, is one of terrorism. The solution to the problem is not any one thing, but a bunch of procedures working in tandem. This would include full body scans, more precise and escalated profiling, and greater coordination between intelligence agencies. Also, our watch list/no fly list system clearly creates a loophole big enough to fly a plane through.

Republicans are busy latching onto to this issue to obscure steadily improving economic numbers, as they would love to have the election be all about terrorism and foreign policy. They are experts at sounding tough when it comes to terrorism and obscuring the lack of difference between Obama's actions and those of previous administrations.. The only distance between them is Guantanamo and the procedures for resolving the status of captured terrorists and militants. In all else Obama has been quite vigorous, but Republicans are not inclined to let a political opportunity slip.

But it's a long, long way to election and their strategy depends on economic decline and terrorist success. Cynical.

Solutions to the actual problem remain hard to implement because of the American tendency to think two opposing thoughts at the same time. In this case, "protect me from terror" and "don't do anything that violates my civil rights or convenience."

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